
A Touching Moment: Thank You!

There are moments when being a DM is difficult, wearying, and unrewarding. Our cultural memory is rife with stories of DMs who have burned out and left games to crumble, sometimes even at the cost of friendships. Those who have run games will understand the pressures and challenge that accompany the job, as well as […]


Grappling: What You Need to Know

Grappling, as with a few other D&D 5E abilities, has rules that are stretched across the Player’s Handbook (PHB), with some specific rules found in other books as well. Today, we’re going to look at the basic functions of grappling. Grappling a Creature The basic rules for grappling are found in the PHB, page 167. […]


How Players Affect the Game

There’s an oft cited misconception about D&D (and other tabletop RPGs), that the DM is the one responsible for the game. Essentially, many people are under the impression that the DM puts together the modules, manages the campaign, answers everyone’s questions, and ultimately controls the gaming experience for everyone. This is not quite true. Obviously, […]


Bringing Fantasy to Life

Games are fun. If its not fun, its probably not a game, its probably work. Sometimes the two coincide a bit. For instance, I get to have fun while working. That’s really the role of the DM (or GM). We put in a fair bit of work so that we can have fun playing a […]